
What we offer

Basic Service

. This basic serve includes a operator service check. We check the vaults and the amps. test battery’s and clean the mother bored and an annual communication check. Also includes phone system.

Intermediate Service

All around run down, which means we start from the bored and work towards the motor for a cleaning and to see if it needs any service improvements. Like updates or new connections or any wiring issues that needs to be taken care of as well. fuses will be serviced and chains will be greased or serviced and moth balls to keep unwanted guests out. Also includes phone system.

Advanced Service

This continues a more intense communication check. Which means we test how the bored on how it responding to the commands give and how the operator performs during it. If its to slow or too fast or throws any codes or not quit doing what it needs. We can go ahead and approach it the right way. Also includes phone system.